Assignment Two - Breaking News Updates Over a 24 - Hour Period

This Just In Every big story deserves to be covered, and the people deserve to know information in a timely and affective manner. Thus, we have " breaking news ". In a period where information is everything and knowledge is power, breaking news is an exciting normalcy for the world. Breaking News is defined as " information that is being received and broadcast about an event that has just happened or just begun. " Whether it is a large storm, a presidential announcement, or simply which star just got a divorce, new news is breaking news. In the past week the country has been buzzing about a large hurricane set to make landfall in Louisiana , leaving towns flooded and families without homes. This is prime information to make breaking news, as it is constantly changing and its information that must be told as it comes in. While the storm had been tracked for days in advance, the night before to the day of was prime time for breaking news. Leading up to the storm, co...