
Assignment Twenty - Visual Journalism

 The Tour 18 As a golfer, I dream of playing the worlds most elite and renowned courses around the world. I hope to play Augusta National, where the tour players tee it up for the Masters, Sawgrass, and the colonial. All of these courses that have been played by the best of the best and so of course, I want to play them too. As a broke college student, these dreams are rather unrealistic. Some of these extremely private courses won't even let people near their gates let alone onto the course to play, but there is a course that gives you a taste of the greats. Tour 18 is a golf course located in Houston Texas that houses 18 holes designed after the most memorable golf holes on the best courses in America. Today we will take a virtual walk through these golf holes and find out what makes them worth of making the Tour 18. Hole Number One The first hole of the tour 18 is a replica of hole number eighteen at Harbor Town Golf Course in South Carolina. This hole is iconic as when the lead...

Assignment Nineteen - Classmate Blog Critique

All the Right Things Becoming a Communications major was a scary but exciting adventure. As a sophomore I had already changed my major twice, and feared falling behind or being behind my peers, but my first ever communications class set my mind at ease. Professor Reppert is, simply put, the best. No, this is not a ploy to get brownie points, ask anyone I talk to, I am beyond glad to have him as a professor. He teaches interactively, pushes students to do their best but is understanding when life gets in the way, and he is always excited to teach. While it may seem like having a great teacher can make a major change easier, that's not all. My classmates and peers are some of the smartest and most hardworking people I know. I am often in awe of their work and love the ability to look at their work throughout the semester. For this particular class, Reporting and Writing for the Mass Media, Sydney Wader keeps and excellent blog, and one that I look at often! As I have had Sydney in cl...

Assignment Eighteen - News App Critique

Just Check Your Pocket Cell phones are a pretty basic necessity in today's age, and a good storage plan is a luxury everyone wants with it.  How many pictures can we take and how many apps can we have is almost a competition and become a necessity we cant live without. Each application on our phones allows us a certain piece of information or helps us in some way, and we become reliant on this quick information or helpful tool. One of these apps I am speaking of is the News App. A small square that sits on our home screen and spits out information at record speed to inform us what just happened. The Fox News app is just one of the news apps I utilize on my phone, but has recently become a favorite.  Fox News has been around since 1996 and has become a lead news source for many Americans since its creation. The channel broadcasts from New York City across the nation. It most definitely attracts the right leaning American's as they the tend to favor republican ideals. The appli...

Assignment Seventeen - Opinion (State, National, or International Issue)

 No Politics at the Dinner Table "No politics at the dinner table" is a phrase I had heard more than once growing up, and still hear it every once and a while these days, especially around the holidays. When you think about politics you probably picture the big man in office or who is voting for what party, but political opinions run much deeper than parties and presidents. For most it is nearly impossible to separate opinion and fact when it comes to politics, and honestly I don't think you should have to. Some political topics just require a bit of an opinionated standpoint. Topics such as Gun Control and Animal Rights are fairly controversial and are often argued with the heart rather than the mind.  These topics are not taken lightly and shouldn't be, as each controversial issue affects people personally and can change the way society moves, when one side is taken more seriously than the other. Gun Control has been a heated debate topic for years, and is one that ...

Assignment Sixteen - Opinion (Local Issue)

 Vote Local How many times, every four years, do you here someone say, "my vote doesn't matter?" Election years bring forth a multitude of different topics, and things to think about. It seems like no matter where you go or what you're doing, you will always be able to talk to someone about politics and there will almost always be someone who is willing to argue about it. While many of these political discussions may seem too large for any of us to actually have an affect on the decision, there are many ways our voices do matter during an election year. Election years are not just who will be the next president of the United States, we also must vote and decide on what is best for our local communities and governments. In Corpus Christi, multiple propositions were found on the ballot, projects that could make a big impact on the community. In 2020 Corpus Christi approved $75 million in bond issues this election, all which encompasses about 42 different infrastructure ...

Assignment Fifteen - Entertainment or Popular Culture

 Will You Accept This Rose? Each year Bachelor nation rolls out new seasons of their hit shows where outrageously attractive people battle for the hearts of the ones they "love". These series of drama and romance filled episodes keep the viewers coming back for more season after season. As Americas we just want to come home and unwind after a long day of work, and just sink into our couches watching hours of mindless television. The most iconic show of entertainment television, the one that keeps the ladies crying, and keeps the word asking "who will get the final rose?" is the Bachelor.  ABC first aired the Bachelor in 2002 and has now flourished into the franchise that it is today. This show is " an American dating and relationship " reality t.v. phenomenon  that sweeps the nation and is all the talk while the show is on air. Starting as just one dating show, the franchise has since then released a multitude of different shows that are a spin off of thei...

Assignment Fourteen - #Trending on Social Media

Following the Weekend   There are seven days in every week, they end on a good not, but most often they start with the worst day ever, and that is Monday. Honestly, its not fair that Monday has to follow Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. A perfect weekend is almost always killed by the first day of the work week, and honestly it has always taken the heat. However, Twitter is turning Monday into something positive, taking back the negative energy and kicking off the week in a new way.   #MondayMotivation and #MondayMorning are two hashtags that have reigned number one for trending on Twitter. As most of the world fights the battle every Monday morning to just wake up and start the day, Twitter has shown to want to change the rhythm of this day. In the society we live in, it is not uncommon to roll over and check social media first thing in the morning, and it can often influence how we start our mornings. If we see something sad or unsettling it cant start our day off on the wron...