Assignment Nine - Public Records (State, National or International)

Government Transparency Why might someone need access to a public record you ask? Whether you're a new member of the neighborhood, or old, public records can be beneficial to you. The ability to find out seemingly anything about where you live or who you live around is an attractive appeal for new parents, or even simply information seekers. However, new laws and regulations are keeping much of this "free information" just out of reach. " The importance of public records really can't be overstated because it helps ensure transparency and accountability in government. " Due to the fact that knowledge is power, our country and local communities would have a hard time, believe it or not, functioning in a society where they couldn't get their hands or know what the government is up to. Public records can be defined as, " [...] information that is recorded and stored by a government which a member of the publishes a right to access and review. Reco...