
Showing posts from October, 2020

Assignment Fifteen - Entertainment or Popular Culture

 Will You Accept This Rose? Each year Bachelor nation rolls out new seasons of their hit shows where outrageously attractive people battle for the hearts of the ones they "love". These series of drama and romance filled episodes keep the viewers coming back for more season after season. As Americas we just want to come home and unwind after a long day of work, and just sink into our couches watching hours of mindless television. The most iconic show of entertainment television, the one that keeps the ladies crying, and keeps the word asking "who will get the final rose?" is the Bachelor.  ABC first aired the Bachelor in 2002 and has now flourished into the franchise that it is today. This show is " an American dating and relationship " reality t.v. phenomenon  that sweeps the nation and is all the talk while the show is on air. Starting as just one dating show, the franchise has since then released a multitude of different shows that are a spin off of thei...

Assignment Fourteen - #Trending on Social Media

Following the Weekend   There are seven days in every week, they end on a good not, but most often they start with the worst day ever, and that is Monday. Honestly, its not fair that Monday has to follow Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. A perfect weekend is almost always killed by the first day of the work week, and honestly it has always taken the heat. However, Twitter is turning Monday into something positive, taking back the negative energy and kicking off the week in a new way.   #MondayMotivation and #MondayMorning are two hashtags that have reigned number one for trending on Twitter. As most of the world fights the battle every Monday morning to just wake up and start the day, Twitter has shown to want to change the rhythm of this day. In the society we live in, it is not uncommon to roll over and check social media first thing in the morning, and it can often influence how we start our mornings. If we see something sad or unsettling it cant start our day off on the wron...

Assignment Thirteen - International Hard or Feature News

We Are All in This Together When something crazy happens, something big enough to affect the entire world, it is often all we hear about. It floods our televisions screens, radio stations, and is on every media platform within our phones. Think about the coronavirus for example... fighting this virus has truly become a new way of life. We wear our masks in the store and to class, we stay six feet apart, and everyone is on their toes when we hear a cough. While it may seem like we are personally affected this virus, we are alone in the matter, the entire world is feeling, hearing about, and reporting this virus just as America is. Sites like BBC allow a breakdown of the coronavirus pandemic and the status in each country. They offer totals by deaths, death rate, and total cases along with new case daily updates. They have shown to report an increase in cases within European countries. For example, Ireland is about to crack down on their coronavirus restrictions as they have seen a...

Assignment Twelve - Numeracy

Numbers Can Lie It is commonly believed that journalism degrees and classes are, to put it in basic terms so I don't go off on a rant, easy. We just write papers, watch t.v., and talk abut how it makes us feel. As a journalism major I know this is not the case, and so much more goes into how journalists prepare and execute their work out in the real world. While it may just look like words, pictures, and reciting back what you already saw, great preparation and tons of behind the scene work takes place before a journalist sets foot on air or publishes an article. Each journalist has a special set of skills and one, that may people would have never guessed is numeracy. Numeracy can be defined as the " ability to understand and work with numbers. " Journalists must harbor this skill to be able to affectively communicate their specific point, especially when it involves statistics. The most relevant journalistic topic that has flooded our phone screens and newspapers is the ...

Assignment Eleven - Civics

  "It's your civic duty" As young Americans, we are raised on the idea that growing up is the end all be all. When you reach 10 years old we celebrate our double digits, when we reach thirteen we celebrate becoming a teenager, some cultures celebrate 15 as a common of age, 16 you get to drive, 17 you can see an "R" rated movie, 18 you can vote, and 21 you get to, well you know. All of these milestones grant us access to the next big step in life. While some may seem bigger than others at the time, there are certain  birthdays, like your eighteenth, that introduce you to your civic duties. As a soon to be 21 year old college student, this election year will be the first one I am able to participate in. Politics has never been a "touchy" subject in my household, so it usually ends up being a major talking point at any family function. This heavy weight on politics in my family has always struck my interest to stay up to date and involved. I can't tel...

Assignment Ten - Listening Posts

 Just Talk it Out Upon taking a dive into this assignment, I realized I had absolutely no idea what a listening post is, or that colleges even had them. Makes me feel extremely unaware of my surroundings as a third year college student. However, if I didn't know about it, maybe you don't either. A listening post, as defined by the University of Denver is " a place where folks come to talk about whatever they want to talk about. " Well, if you ask me practically anywhere on a college campus can be a listening post. While you may think that a listening post just seems like a traditional counseling centre, you're wrong. A listening post is simply a place " for unhurried  conversation, to be heard and accepted, to clarify thinking [...] " and much more. Who else, other than homesick, stressed out college students could use this more? For most colleges, a listening post is somewhat of a pop up event. at Towsom University " [they] ask volunteers to be ...